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Newsgasm Idea of the Year: Any Fallen Dictator

Fallen dictators are all the rage in the news this year. Reporters just simply jumped on them as if they were Perez Hilton when he first discovered celebrities (Squirrel!). If you've been living in a CNN-free world then please let this angry birds video enlighten you on the situation.

Angry Birds illustrates the defining characteristic of the dictators (even they gave up on Mubarak).

Unrest in the world this year has lead countless revolutions across the globe, causing dictators to flee from fear of wrinkling their suits.

The first little piggy is no other than Ben Ali from Tunisia who is only the second president of the country but has kept that position since 1987. Out of all the dictators history has to offer, he is one of the most toned down and doesn't even sport a unique dictator hairstyle or facial hairstyle. Pulling this costume off would mean that you either need to be around a bunch of news junkies or wear a bright and obvious sash.

The purple screams dictator.
Although if Ben Ali isn't quite a face that history will remember then Hosni Mubarak definitely won't be even though his resume is straight out out of a superhero flick.

See the resemblance?

Unfortunately, aside from his penguin-like features, there's not much that distinctive about Hosni Mubarak. Even Angry Birds gave up on him and added an Egyptian crown for good measure. However, it doesn't hurt to have a pinstriped suit with "Hosni Mubarak" letters down the stripes to illustrate this costume.

This is how real pimps do it.

While Mubarak and Ali were quite the evil dictators, the crown of Miss 21st Century dictators has to go to Muammur Gaddafi. Not only was he a ruthless leader (and by far the hardest one to take down), he also has a unique enough style and persona for anyone to recognize.

Who knew dictators could be so fabulous?
From the neck up, Gaddafi is already vastly recognizable with his unkempt grease curls and cartoonish facial features but from the neck down is another story.

This costume mostly consists of putting glue on a sheet and rolling around on rainbows.

Not only is Gaddafi a ruthless throne-hogger but he's almost just as famous for the flamboyant garbs he always sports. Even his military uniform could only serve as camouflage in the magical world of My Little Pony.

Who this costume is for:

  • Avid fans of world politics
  • Middle aged men with villain-like features
  • People who love rolling around on rainbows
What you need:

  • For the most part, an impeccable suit
  • Sashes and medals
  • An Egyptian crown won't hurt
  • A fabric in every color
  • The circular hat is a must!
Rating: Easy


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