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Showing posts from March, 2011

Oscar Idea of the Year: The Many Faces of James Franco

He may not be a very memorable Oscar host but James Franco has already created many memorable characters in his short career and what better year is there to pay an ode to this very odd actor than the year he gets nominated for a plethora (22 to be exact) of awards that have nothing to do with MTV. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? James Franco's boobs. Within Franco's repertoire there's a man that represents a man within all of us. Whether it's the adventurous amputee man, the tattooed hillbilly man, or the pillow-loving man, there's something Franco has done in his career that will match that classy man inside you. My personal favorite  James as our adventurous future amputee! The beauty of James Franco costumes is that they could also be potential couples costumes for all the ladies that want in on the James Franco action. If you're tired of just having a pillow for a date, why not include a Tina Fey to your threesome? Maybe you need ...